12 dezembro 2008

voos nocturnos

I realized as I lay down to sleep
We haven't spoke in weeks
So many things that I'd like to know
Come have a talk with me
I need a sign, something I can see
Why all the mystery?

I try not to fall for make believe
But what is reality?
Where do we go? What do we know?
Life has to have a meaning
Show me the light.. show me the way
Show that you're listening.

When people go, why do they go?
Why don't you choose me?
But someday I know I'm gonna go
I hope you're waiting for me

Maybe we'll talk some other night
Right now I'll take it easy
Won't spent my time waiting to die
Enjoy the life I'm living.

sim, hoje está lua cheia.
sei-o bem, apesar de não a conseguir ver daqui.mas sinto-o.
e creio que isso me é o suficiente.

Sia - Soon we'll be found

1 comentário:

Mokas disse...

Consegues sim. Vê lá bem... nop, não olhes por aí... espreita por aqui!
(bebe continua em loop...)