17 abril 2007

some memories are best forgotten

Leonard Shelby: I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning, even if I can't remember them. I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still there. Do I believe the world's still there? Is it still out there?... Yeah. We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are. I'm no different.

Teddy: So you lie to yourself to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that. We all do it.


3 comentários:

Diogo disse...

Natalie: Tell me about her again.
Leonard Shelby: Why?
Natalie: Because you like to remember her.
Leonard Shelby: She was beautiful. To me, she was perfect.
Natalie: No, don't just recite the words. Close your eyes... and remember her.
Leonard Shelby: You can just feel the details. The bits and pieces you never bothered to put into words. And you can feel these extreme moments... even if you don't want to. You put these together, and you get the feel of a person. Enough to know how much you miss them... and how much you hate the person who took them away.

Anónimo disse...

tenho de ver esse filme!!!

sofya disse...

diogo: grande filme este.
estive tentada a pôr essa citação q escreveste aqui no comentário.. mas depois achei q não conseguia passar ao lado de uma q diz: "So you lie to yourself to be happy. There's nothing wrong with that. We all do it."
brutal. ^^

arya: vê sim. acho q vais gostar e muito!!! ;)