Sam: I still feel at home in my house.
Andrew Largeman: You'll see when you move out it just sort of happens one day one day and it's just gone. And you can never get it back. It's like you get homesick for a place that doesn't exist. I mean it's like this rite of passage, you know. You won't have this feeling again until you create a new idea of home for yourself, you know, for your kids, for the family you start, it's like a cycle or something. I miss the idea of it.
Maybe that's all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place.
Sam: You're in it right now, aren't you?
Andrew Largeman: What?
Sam: My mom always says that, when she can see I'm like working something out in my head, she's like, 'you're in it right now' and I'm looking at you're telling this story, and you're definitely in it.
Sam: If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seem a whole lot longer than you like.
Andrew Largeman: All right, so what are we laughing at you about?
Sam: I lied again... I have epilepsy.
Andrew Largeman: Which part are we laughing about?
Sam: I had a seizure at the law office where I work, and they told me their insurance wouldn't cover me unless I wore preventative covering.
Andrew Largeman: What's preventative covering?
Sam: The helmet I was wearing... Oh come on, that's funny. That's really funny, I mean... I laugh. I'm not saying I don't cry but in between I laugh and I realize how silly it is to take anything too seriously. Plus, I look forward to a good cry. It feels pretty good.
Sam: That's life. If nothing else, its life.
It's real, and sometimes it fuckin' hurts, but it's sort of all we have.
porque em muito este filme tocou-me particularmente... a simplicidade ou a complexidade do quotidiano, emoções, sentimentos, frustrações, medos...
deixo aqui um teaser a quem se quiser aventurar a dar um passeio por Garden State ;)
2 comentários:
hoje procuro este no clu' de vídeo.
parece excelente (já tinha ouvido falar nele, mas depois a modos que me esqueci de o ver).
(^^)d state está guardado ali religiosamente..sim tenho o dvd..sim é pirata..e sim foi com estranheza que o comprei (na tenda dos ciganos 2 a 5 euros...) mas nao sei...a personagens mostraram algo...e foi aquele feeling. Sim também tenho a banda sonora é mágica.
O filme é uma história épica.
A melhor cena...passa-se eles no quarto dela em que ela diz para ele..."faz algo agora que ngm fez...sim?! neste preciso momento...faz berro, dança..." ÉPICO BRUTAL! IMENSO E INTENSO :D
ah digamos que a actriz...é LINDA!pormenores à parte.
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